Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru said that "Children of a nation are its future". For a bright future a nation should have the institutions to impart value based education to young ones with emphasis on quality. We at Saint Paul have made a modest attempt at imparting such quality education. The institution is well equipped with school buildings, classrooms with ultra modern audio-visual learning aids, library, science laboratories, mathematics learning activity room, music room, separate hostels for girls and boys, mess, organic dairy farm, green environs, and sprawling playgrounds. The teachers and care givers so use these facilities that a value nurturing environment prevails where children feel completely at home.
Saint Paul imparts its modern education in the English language. This ensures that pupils reared in the values of their glorious past do not lose sight of the realities of a globalised world. The institution supports amplified with knowledge & qualified teachers on the campus whose classes are interesting and teaching methods innovative. Most of the learning in classrooms is interactive. The library is well stocked with good books and magazines. The science labs bring alive the theories taught in the classrooms. Extra-curricular activities contribute to all round personality development.
I recommend the institution to parents and their young ones with the hope that educating at Saint Paul turns out to be what it aims at, i.e., education for the bright future of the nation. Endless to ignite a burning desire for learning, being and becoming unique. Hence we encourage each student to dream high.
We look forward to your proactive response.